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EMDB 1.42

O. James Samson - February 28, 2012

EMDB is a small utility to keep track of your DVD collection. With an automatic import from the database of IMDB, export to csv, text or complete website, thumbnail cover preview, a loan tracker, search function and multi-language user interface. EMDB is written in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and doesn’t need a .NET framework or any other external libraries.

Users of this program can enjoy it because it is available in various languages including the following; English, Dutch, Danish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Hungarian Croatian, Swedish, Greek, Catalan, Czech, Norwegian, Japanese, French, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Serbian, Slovenian, Arabic and Portuguese (Brazil) translations are included in the setup.

EMDB 1.42 now includes a number of changes and fixes that include the following; directors that used to be mixed up now and then have now been fixed, when inserting a movie the new movie showed up twice in the list (although correctly saved in the database), addition of IMDB button in IMDB multiple results dialog to check IMDB for the selected title(s), unknown directors were included in the search results when searching for a specific director, popups with “No matches found” replaced by a logging message, and a host of others.

Want to check it out? Visit Heesakkers3.

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