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AceMoney 4.20.6

O. James Samson - March 29, 2012

AceMoney is a product developed for everyday tasks of personal finance management. It allows you to track your cash flow in multiple accounts, keep an eye on spending money by categories and payees, and satisfy a lot of questions like how much you pay for food last month with one click of a button. AceMoney can generate many different types of reports, and is compatible with QIF file format most banks use to provide data online. All you need do is download a file from the web site of your financial institution and import it to the account registry. It is designed for regular people that don’t have special accounting skills or banking techniques.

AceMoney has been in use for sometimes now, and is regarded as one of the easiest money management programs today. It supports different account types like checking, savings, credit cards, loans, debt accounts, and even enables you to create your own custom account type. Other advance features of AceMoney include the following; configure your home budget limits for every category and track the difference between actual and budgeted values, track your investment activities like 401k, Stock options, exchange rates for more than 150 different currencies are automatically downloaded from Internet, shows you when your bills are due, and many more.

Want to check it out? Visit: Mechcad.

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