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SMS Deliverer 2.0

O. James Samson - May 22, 2012

SMS Deliverer is a program that allows you to send out bulk SMS messages in a cheap and effective manner with just a single click of the mouse. A distinguishing feature of this program is the keyword analysis feature which puts SMS Deliverer miles ahead of its competition. It analyses the incoming SMS replies from your clients, scans them for relevant keywords, thus providing you with very valuable marketing information. This feature is very important as it serves as a SMS survey tool.

This application boasts of both an email notification feature and an automatic reply feature which enables you to provide potential customers with further details about the product or service that you are offering. Clients can receive automatic replies when a relevant keyword is detected in a client’s reply. You could also schedule automatic replies to your inbound SMS at specified intervals. This program offers one of the cheapest SMS marketing solutions. All you need is a computer, a mobile phone and a USB data cable or Bluetooth. With just these few things combined with SMS Deliverer, you’ll have a powerful marketing tool at your disposal.

Some of the features of this application include: you could send long SMS & Flash SMS. It provides support for up to 1000 characters messages in single SMS. It offers support for multiple language SMS. You could also import/export your contacts. You could analyze your sent and received mails with its analysis chart. The more the replies, the greater the popularity of the SMS sent.

This program is compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Please visit SMSDeliverer to find out more about this program.

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