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Nmap 6.00

O. James Samson - May 24, 2012

Nmap (Network Mapper) was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. The program uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap runs on all versions of Windows since NT, including 2K, XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Server 2003/2008. You can choose from a self-installer (includes dependencies and also the Zenmap GUI) or the much smaller command-line zip file version.

The Nmap executable Windows installer can handle WinPcap installation, registry performance tweaks, and decompressing the executable and data files into your preferred location. It also includes the Zenmap graphical frontend. You can also choose from a self-installer (includes dependencies and also the Zenmap GUI) or the much smaller command-line zip file version. The program is available at no cost, and can be downloaded straight from without stress. You might need to spend a couple of hours or days with it to understand how it works; but it is not actually a difficult program.

Want to check it out? Visit Nmap.

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