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EULAlyzer 2.2

O. James Samson - May 31, 2012

EULAlyzer is a program that can analyze license agreements in seconds as well as provide a detailed listing of potentially interesting words and phrases. Discover if the software you are about to install displays pop-up ads, transmits personally identifiable information, uses unique identifiers to track you, or much more. License agreements can be a pain and a bore, but not reading them can be dangerous – this makes it all easy. The inclusion of additional features like the EULA Research Centre optionally allows users to anonymously submit license agreements they scan to help improve the program.

EULAlyzer is useful when it comes to those boring and long license agreements that most people love to avoid. It is a bit unsafe to skip some of those long and boring licenses just because you are in a hurry to sign up for a program or install an application; all you need do is pop it into EULAlyzer and let it analyze it.

Some of the benefits of EULAlyzer include the following; instant results – super-fast analysis in just a second, keep a saved database of the license agreements & documents you view, pick up on things you missed when reading license agreements, and discover potentially hidden behaviour about the software you’re going to install.

Want to check it out? Visit: Brightfort.

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