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Zero Install 2.5.0

O. James Samson - April 8, 2014

One of the things every software developer likes is to have the ability to publish programs directly from their own web-sites; and that is why a program like Zero Install is not a bad idea.

What is Zero Install?

Zero Install is a decentralized cross-platform software-installation system available under the LGPL. It allows software developers to publish programs directly from their own web-sites, while supporting features familiar from centralized distribution repositories such as shared libraries, automatic updates and digital signatures. It is intended to complement, rather than replace, the operating system’s package management. 0install packages never interfere with those provided by the distribution.

In other words, it simply allows you to install software without the need of administrator privileges. As a matter of fact, the application is designed with a lot of features that virtually every software developer would love.

Significant changes have recently being made to this version, and they include the following: it now has support for extracting 7-Zip archives (.7z); fixed bug in self-updater that caused problems on Windows XP; and fixed bug that could prevent 0store remove from working.

Any downside?

A couple of users prefer to download the portable version of this program rather than this one; though there is nothing wrong with installing this version.

Want to check it out? Visit

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