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Deluge 1.3.10

O. James Samson - October 20, 2014

Are you looking for a lightweight client that won’t take up space on your system, and has a lot of nice features? Deluge is that client you need; it has a lot of nice features.

What’s Deluge all about?

Deluge is a program that uses libtorrent in its backend and PyGTK for its user interface. The program features a rich plugin collection; and most of its functionality is available in the form of plugins. It was created with the intention of being lightweight and unobtrusive. It is not designed for any one desktop environment and will work just fine in GNOME, KDE, XFCE and others.

Deluge has a lot of nice features including the following: Core/UI split, allows the program to run as a daemon; connect remotely to the Deluge daemon; console UI; BitTorrent Protocol Encryption; Local Peer Discovery (aka LSD); Global and per-torrent speed limits; configurable bandwidth scheduler; µTorrent Peer Exchange; BitTorrent Protocol Encryption; Mainline DHT; Local Peer Discovery (aka LSD); and many more. A few updates and fixes have also been made to this version.

Does it have any downside?

The publisher has fixed the bug ‘in the torrentview when Plugins added a column,’ which makes the client more stable now.

Want to check it out? Visit

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