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TempleOS 2.18

O. James Samson - December 14, 2014

ToTheFrontAre you a geek looking for some challenging and very interesting software to keep you ‘very’ busy and entertained? TempleOS is an x86_64, multi-tasking, multi-cored, public domain, open source, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped), non-networked, PC operating system for recreational programming. It is not for non-geeks, so you have to be experienced enough to be able to use it.

What is the big deal about TempleOS?

TempleOS is an x86_64, multi-tasking, multi-cored, public domain, open source, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped), non-networked, PC operating system for recreational programming. It sticks to common, 64-bit hardware instead of distinct drivers because you must shoot-the-moon. Also, redundancy and varied capabilities are unpleasant compared to everybody-has-the-same-thing.

In this version, the publisher has fixed a couple of issues, which include: improved game ChessNet ;changed RedSea file system to blocks instead of clusters; and fixed bugs in “DolDoc” code.

Does it have a downside?

It doesn’t really have a downside, but it is so advanced that you will need a lot of time to get used to it. It is not designed for those who are no geeks, so it basically means you have to take time to learn it or stay away from it.

Want to check it out? Visit

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