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Password Depot 8.1.2

O. James Samson - March 16, 2015

Passwords are very sensitive and private parts of our online activities, which means they must be kept safe and protected from privacy invaders. Managing all your password is therefore essential to staying protected from online theft and other activities that might expose your sensitive data to the public. With Password Depot, you can manage your password without having any problem.

What’s the big deal about Password Depot?

Password Depot is a user-friendly tool for the management of all your passwords. It uses the latest security algorithms such as BlowFish and Rijndael to encrypt your files. Its file shredding method complies with the directives DOD 5220.22-M of the US Department of Defense and allows you to fully destroy files created with the programme. User-friendly interface similar to Windows Explorer allows for the efficient navigation through your password lists.

Some of the advanced features of Password Depot include: ability to help you memorise only one password; provides reliable security for your password; you can have all your sensitive data in one place; you can manage password files in the network to use them together in a team; and many more.

Does it have any downside?

Password Depot has a 30 day trial limitation.

Want to check it out? Visit:

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