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RegexBuddy 4.3.0

O. James Samson - May 18, 2015

Do you want to automate tedious tasks with regular expressions? RegexBuddy is not a bad companion for working with regular expressions. It allows you to easily create regular expressions that match exactly what you want, and enables you to clearly understand complex regexes written by others.

What’s the big deal about RegexBuddy?

RegexBuddy is your perfect companion for working with regular expressions. Easily create regular expressions that match exactly what you want. Clearly understand complex regexes written by others. Use plain English building blocks instead of, or in addition to, the standard regex syntax.

With RegexBuddy, you can quickly test any regex on sample strings and files, preventing mistakes on actual data, debug without guesswork by stepping through the actual matching process. You can also use the regex with source code snippets automatically adjusted to the particulars of your programming language.

Some other features of RegexBuddy include: it also allows you to collect and document your libraries of regular expressions for future reuse, GREP (search-and-replace) through files and folders, integrate RegexBuddy with your favorite searching and editing tools for instant access.

At a first glance RegexBuddy does not have any downside. Still you’ll have a week-long trial to try the software and see if it fits your needs. Licensed version will cost you $39.95.

Want to check it out? Visit: RegexBuddy.

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