Free Colorwheel 1.2.2
O. James Samson - January 5, 2012Free Colorwheel is a free application for creating correct color schemes for graphic designs such as images, WebPages. The program can be used to create 5 different types of color schemes including; Monochromatic, Complementary, Analogous, Split Complementary and Triad Colors each having a different effect. A preview of the color scheme is being shown and also the RGB, HTML, Websafe codes of the colors. Life Software Colorwheel provides also the HTML code for creating colored HTML scroll-bars and also a converter for color code formats (RGB, HTML, Websafe formats).
Free Colorwheel has an interesting feature that makes it more intuitive to use. At heart, it is a CW/RW system with an un-normalised color wheel. However, and unlike a few other similar programs out there, Free Colorwheel represents two dimensions of the color space, lightness and hue2, and the user can extend the wire-frame (so that the colors chosen are full-saturation hues) or contract it (so that the colors are light, low saturation colors, typically called pastels). This makes the program more intuitive when it comes to being used than some of the other color choice interfaces even though the number of colors chosen is restricted to just 3.
Want to check it out? Visit ColorWheel.
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