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DC++ 0.851 Beta

O. James Samson - April 17, 2015

Sharing files over the internet has improved considerably in the recent past, and the truth is there is room for improvements. An open source program like DC++ is one of several programs that allow you to share files over the internet without restrictions. The program also boasts of its own firewall and router supports.

What’s DC++ all about?

DC++ is an open source C++ client for the Direct Connect protocol. Direct Connect allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions or limits. It allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions or limits. It has firewall and router supports, which have been integrated. DC++ also offers easy and convenient use of its functionality like multi-hub connections, auto-connections and resuming of downloads. Some of its features include: it doesn’t have ads; joins multiple hubs at the same time; shares large files and many files per your organization scheme; resume of downloads, with optional automatic search for alternate sources by TTH; and a host of others.

DC++ is a highly ranked piece of software among the projects hosted at Sourceforge. With more than fifty million downloads, new users continue to find benefits from the software every day.

Want to check it out? Visit DCPlusPlus at

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