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Auto Power-on Shut-Down 2.30: At Your Command

O. James Samson - August 11, 2009

Auto Power-on Shut-down is a breakthrough utility that enables the computer user or administrator to assign or define a specific time when to shut down, hibernate, or close the computer system. It also allows the user to set predefined time and day when to turn on, wake up from hibernation, and open the computer or network of computers automatically.

Auto Power-on Shut-down allows the user to better manage and maintain the computer or network of computers because of its predefined scheduling of whatever action the user wishes to execute. Also, Auto Power-on Shut-down allows the user to automatically execute actions like open a certain program, suspend, or terminate an action or launch a website on a specific schedule without having to physically turn on or turn off the computers. Users can enjoy the luxury of having their computer units automatically powered on even before they sit down or they can just leave the computer and it will automatically shut down or finish a certain application once the task is done.

Auto Power-on Shut-down allows energy efficiency which in turn will benefit not only the pockets of individuals but big companies too, especially those who rely heavily on computer technology. Using Auto Power-on Shut-down 2.30 will definitely help prevent errors due to mismanagement of computer use and will promote efficiency in the workflow.

Auto Power-on Shut-down is the way to go to fully maximize computer operations and the best way to manage one’s work and professional lifestyle.

For more product information, visit

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3 Responses to “Auto Power-on Shut-Down 2.30: At Your Command”

  1. tramesh Says:

    very good enhancement working

  2. bidya Says:

    i just like to use this softeware

  3. suman shrestha Says:

    how can download it!!

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