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WebReader 2.01

Tilgore Kraut - February 21, 2011

Since its advent, the PDF format has become quite a favorite amongst us all owing to its enhanced and neat properties which make it easy for the user to access and save up documents independently without any hassles. Further, whenever we wish to save up any document or page in PDF format, we do not have to worry about any problems surrounding it and can make up suitable usage of this document format while working with any of the operating systems. Also, working with PDF documents also proves to be more useful and formatted as it works simply and independently. To cater to this utility value, a tool like WebReader 2.01 that enables a user to have PDF formatted documents stored up on the system and have them organized to be accessed later.

WebReader 2.01 opens with a neatly arranged interface with the chief options placed at the top left corner pane in the form of emotive icons that can be easily understood. The main screen shows the list of documents and books that are stored up to be accessed at anytime and any format as desired. Any kind of user manuals or books can be easily accessed with the help of this utility and organizes them simply so that the user can duly save them up for any later reference or access. This application can used from the system tray where it is located nearby the clock icon over the task bar. The user can view, browse through and print the documents placed up and create folders within Windows Explorer to refer to these documents and navigate.

To sum up, WebReader 2.01 certainly works as a suitable and useful application for any of the users that have PDF formatted documents or pages kept up.

{More Info and Download}

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