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Trillian: All in one chat client

Ciaran Moore - October 31, 2006

123141231231.jpgWouldn’t it be great if you could have just one program for talking to all your Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, AOL messenger and/or ICQ buddies with? Time to check out trillian!

Trillian allows all this, in a skinnable client that can be customized to be pretty cool (if you’re into that kinda thing). There’s some skins available from here and most skinning sites. If you wanna get a little more technical, you can even change things such as which emoticons to use (I have mine set up to use the default emotion sets of each. So that i see them just as if i was using the official messenger client, msn, yahoo, etc). It also supports plug-ins for various functions. Oh yeah, you’ll also never have to see those annoying little ads the official chat clients sometimes have running in them.

Its available in both free and pro versions, there’s not a lot of difference really except for video chat in pro and some advance features that you’ll rarely use.

It can be a bit confusing at first but you soon get used to it after a while. Its slightly more suitable for advanced users who like to customize their computers as much as possible and have everything matching their themes or color schemes. But for anyone who runs multiple chat clients and wants something a little slicker than the official ones (and all in one program) it’s still worth checking out.

Check out for more info.

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One Response to “Trillian: All in one chat client”

  1. nadeem Says:

    hey!i am nadeem. i want a power client.

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