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Google releases small browser plugin – Google Earth API

Tilgore Kraut - May 29, 2008

Google has released a browser plugin that lets you access most of the key features of Google Earth in your web browser. No need to download and install the standalone Google Earth application. Google Earth provides more detailed imagery and navigational controls than Google Maps. You can also see 3D models of buildings and view KML files in Google Earth.

You do still need to download and install a small utility though. While the plugin works with Internet Explorer and Firefox (2.0 only, Firefox 3 is not yet supported), it’s not available through the Mozilla Add-ons page. The plugin is also Windows-only.

The Google Earth browser plugin is powered by a JavaScript API, which Google has also released, allowing web publishers to embed a Google Earth widget in their web pages and build customizable applications around it. You can see some examples at the Google Earth plugin samples page.

{via DownloadSquad}

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2 Responses to “Google releases small browser plugin – Google Earth API”

  1. Says:

    Google Earth is one of the most incredible tools. and collect lots of google earth related software.

    We are allowed to visit any part of the world without leaving our PC. It offers high-quality images obtained via satellite from every part of the world.

    The precision and definition of the images are of such a quality that you may observe people and vehicles moving, not to mention landscapes, monuments, historical places, etc.

  2. Says:

    Google Earth is one of the most incredible tools. and collect lots of google earth related software.

    We are allowed to visit any part of the world without leaving our PC. It offers high-quality images obtained via satellite from every part of the world.

    The precision and definition of the images are of such a quality that you may observe people and vehicles moving, not to mention landscapes, monuments, historical places, etc

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