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O. James Samson - July 4, 2008

There are many reasons that people use browsers. They use them to download files, visit websites and generally improve their lives in ways that could not be accomplished online. While the internet is an absolutely fantastic resource, at the same time it can be a dangerous place. Files can contain viruses and cookies can launch programs that can ruin your computer at worst and cause you a lot of headache at best. Because of all of these problems, people have avoided places that are likely candidates for spyware, viruses or other harmful pieces of software, even if those places could have helped them in some way.

Well, one way to get around this is to run your browser in a virtual sandbox and that is exactly what Sandboxie allows you to do. The latest version that was released on July 1, 2008, is actually a version that allows you to do this with any program, not just the browser. You keep everything you do within the virtual sandbox and then when you delete the sandbox, everything you did in the session disappears. This allows you to make sure that changes are safe before you actually make them and the peace of mind that results from that ability is so immeasurable that the fact this piece of software is free is almost unbelievable.

More information is available at

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