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GMail Goggles: don’t send embarrassing emails

Tilgore Kraut - October 8, 2008

The forward-thinking folks at Google have implemented a novel solution to prevent regretful drunken digital correspondence to friends, family, co-workers, and loved ones. Gmail engineer Jon Perlow is introducing Mail Googles, a new feature that will tease the bean before ill-conceived late night and weekend emails can be sent out. Mail Goggles are presently available in the Labs tab on Gmail settings. Once activated, users can select the days and times when they’re most likely to be recreating in a fashion unsuitable for CC’ing the entire office.

Default settings are the tender hours between 10 PM and 4 AM on Fridays and Saturday. Before an ill-conceived email is allowed to make its rounds, Mail Goggles offers the constitution a checkup by asking a series of math problems that must be solved in 60 seconds. Several levels of difficulty are available for drunken savants. To activate Mail Goggles, go into Gmail’s settings, and turn on Mail Goggles in the “Labs” tab. Then adjust how and when it works in the “General” tab.

(via Gmail Blog and Register)

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