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Pet Web Elements 1.0

Tilgore Kraut - December 19, 2008

Pet themed graphic images and web elements, including HTML web templates with a pet theme, stock photos of all types of pets and animals. Great collection for veterinarians, animal rescue clinics or other pet businesses.

Pros: When setting up a website it helps to have the overall design based on some theme. A theme that gives a visitor the feeling of what the site is all about. This package puts together web elements required for such a site. The present set is about pets. That makes it suitable for setting up by veterinarians, animal rescue clinics and any other business related to pets. A nice collection of all web elements needed to build a website designed specifically for pet lovers Each themed CD contains a collection of web templates, layouts, images, logos, and photographs all related to this central theme. The web elements are supplied on CDs. The distribution media contains a large collection of stock photos, these images are high quality digital photographs of pets and domestic animals. There’s a set of logos, the graphics are again all based on animals that are pets for humans. The HTML templates are quite attractive. The template set includes CSS files and the web graphics and the images discussed above. The website material is easy to edit in any HTML editor. They include a variety of pets.

Cons: Like any such collection however big a collection is presented, not everybody is likely to like all of them. One would always look for more.

{More Info and Download}

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2 Responses to “Pet Web Elements 1.0”

  1. Kanesha Mcquay Says:

    Have been looking at doing site optimization and bettering the design on my website for a while, so this post has been really helpful. Clear read as well, so thanks!

  2. keyen Says:

    Thanks for posting this great full detailed post. 😀 Keep up the good work.

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