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WorkWeek 2

Tilgore Kraut - September 14, 2009

WorkWeek 2 is a personal easy-to-use organizer for managing events and tasks. WorkWeek 2 is compatible with iCalendar file format which means you can easily share your calendars and view hundreds of web calendars.

Features: WorkWeek 2 is a personal easy-to-use organizer. You can manage events and tasks. The calendar is easy t share with others. WorkWeek 2 is compatible with iCalendar file format. Thus you are able to easily share the calendar with anyone following the same format. You will also have easy access to hundreds of web calendars with holidays, sports events, concerts and so on. One window wizard simplifies creating and editing events and to-dos. Classical calendar view modes available are by day, week or month. You can have custom views and colors for events so that you can categorize and organize the way you want. Color schemes are are3 customizable so that creating a workspace that you are comfortable with is not at all difficult.

Standard organization you can have include celebrity events, home & work calendars and week numbers. On the left panel you have calendar for three months. One month prior to the current one and one month beyond the current month. on the right panel you can set up the to-do list. all the events of the day are listed in the main display area. The display is arranged very comfortably and you are not likely to miss anything.

Overall: Quite a useful calendar that can be shared easily.

{More Info and Download}

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