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Mass Downloader 3.8.835

O. James Samson - October 29, 2009

Do you love downloading files from the internet? Then you have yourself a lovely and well built software. Mass Downloader 3.8.835 is one of those software that gives you value for your time and money. I love it and it is a software that I am going to keep for a long time to come.

The features of Mass Downloader 3.8.835 include: ability to download at a very high speed from the web and FTP sites. The multiple download channels inbuilt technology increases your download speed and ensures that the time you take in downloading your files from the web is decreased significantly. You can also use this software to browse zip archives before you load them and what is more, you get to choose only files that you want for downloads. The interface is also built like the Internet explorer.

I have tried some other downloaders before, but Mass Downloader 3.8.835 appears to be the best I have seen so far. You could almost certainly download from very difficult sites that otherwise would not have been possible with others similar software.

Among the changes the publishers have introduced to into this version are: Introduction of trash can, Tor Proxy support and an improvement in the system notification area.

For more on this, you can visit: Metaproducts

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