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Google Chrome for Windows Beta

O. James Samson - November 20, 2009

I have been using Google Chrome for over a year and I still find it to be one of the most interesting and fast browser around. Since the first time I decided to download and give it a try, I have had no cause to regret it and I doubt if I am going to because it certainly is one of the best browser around.

Google Chrome combines a minimal design with a technology that is advanced and sophisticated to make your surfing experience a delight. Browsing with Google Chrome is safer, faster and quite easier when you begin to compare it with others. When you type in words in the address bar, it gives you suggestions both for search and web pages making it much easier for you to do your job.

Actually I love Firefox and Opera browsers but I don’t look too far each time I want a quick one online. I like the rate at which it opens up pages and the ease and flexibility of accessing all my favorite web pages from new tabs. This version in review is just as good as other versions even though it is still in Beta stage.

Want to check it out? Visit Chrome

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