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GFI Mail Security for Exchange/SMTP 10.1 Build 20091103 Beta 1

O. James Samson - November 23, 2009

This is an email content checking software. It helps you to exploit detections, threat analysis and anti-virus solution that remove all types of email borne threats before they begin to cause damages to your computer. Usually when you send and receive email on the net, you are exposed to all manner of threats that can lead to devastating effects on your computer and in order to minimize your online risk, some measures have to be taken and installing the GFI Mail Security For Exchange/SMTP 10.1 Build 20091103 Beta 1 is a step in the right direction.

The key features of this program are: email content and attachment checking to quarantine all dangerous emails, multiple virus engines to enhance the security status of your computer, email threat engine to analyze and defuse HTML scripts, exe files among others. It has two versions namely: SMTP and Gateway.  The Gateway version is deployed at the perimeter of the network as mail relay server which makes it possible to scan all mails coming and going out. The other version integrates with exchange server and scans the exchange 2000 information store.

This software is however not a freeware but that is not the problem I have with it. The problem I have with has to do with the cost which in my opinion is too high at $450. Though I find this annoying, it however does not take anything away from it in terms of performance.

Want to check it out? Visit

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One Response to “GFI Mail Security for Exchange/SMTP 10.1 Build 20091103 Beta 1”

  1. ScriptoX Says:

    Nice post..Keep them coming 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

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