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Dictionary Browser 1.1

Tilgore Kraut - January 13, 2010

If you happen to be a professional writer or a translator then you must be frequently taking the help of online dictionaries in accomplishing your tasks. While online dictionaries are vast repositories of data they at times fail to provide a suitable interface for drawing out the required information. With an eye on addressing such needs, the Dictionary Browser 1.1 application has been designed and it offers several interesting features to cut down the time required for standard tasks. The application currently supports online dictionaries like Abbyy Lingvo universal, Google Translate Multigrain amongst others and provides a single interface access to these sites.

The Dictionary Browser software opens with a white and a blue color interface with a very minimalist design. The software has only two major sections, one is the main window which is used to show results and the other is the settings window which is used for making adjustments. The software can translate the word from the main window and shows it on to the result window by using Ctrl+C+C this key. This key will open a settings window from where you can choose the language as well as can also set the parameters for translations. This software can also translate the words as well as phrases with the help of the supported dictionaries and each result is displayed in a separate tab. The best part about the application is its hot key feature which allows you to translate a piece of text without visiting the dictionary site, just by selecting the required phrase or word and pressing the hot key combination.

The Dictionary Browser 1.1 comes across as a very useful tool for professional translators and writers.

{More Info and Download}

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