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AceMoney Lite 3.19

O. James Samson - January 14, 2010

ACE Money Lite 3.19 is a business software developed to assist those who engage in money management on a daily or even weekly basis with their financial management. With this program, you can monitor your cash flow in more than one account. You also have the ability to control your spending by categorizing it in various ways; these ways could be payees, and satisfy a lot of questions consisting how much you paid for a shirt the last time you bought one.

With the click of a single button, you can use AceMoney Lite 3.19 to generate various types of reports. It is interesting to know that Banks these days provide data online for customers, the good news about this is that you can download a file from your bank or financial institution and import it to the account registry. With this program, you are not required to have a skill in accounting or banking techniques to be able to use it.

This lite version is a freeware program and does not support some of the features the paid version has. The most relevant thing in my opinion is that you can manage your daily financial activities with this one. The only advice I will give is that, if you deal with so many difficult and technical financial issues, you should go for the paid version.

Want to check it out? Visit

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