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Opera (v10.5) for Windows 10.50 Build 3260 Beta

O. James Samson - February 22, 2010

Opera has a name too big to be ignored, so is their reputation for producing useful browsers for internet users all over the world. Opera (v10.5) for Windows 10.50 Build 3260 Beta is out, and one can only hope that it gets better. The number of users keeps growing because of the uniqueness of the browser. Though it may not be as widely used as the Internet Explorer, never the less, it is still a good browser.

Some of the features of the version in review are not too different from the ones we have known in the past. Some of these features include: speed dial; trash can; search shortcuts and other features. Opera already has over 20 million users world over and the number keeps increasing by the day.

When compared to the 10.5 Alfa, Opera 10.50 Build is much better and faster, and offers users opportunity to surf the internet at lightning speed. As usual, this browser is free for use and can be downloaded to work perfectly with the Windows Operating system.

Want to check it out? Please visit Opera

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