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Ciaran Moore - April 28, 2010

Contents of registers are very difficult to read; in fact it is unreadable at all. When you view the content of your system registry using regedit command in Windows, all you will see is just strings of hexadecimal and binary numbers representing the content of the registers. These values are too difficult for ordinary users to read or interpret. However, we need to understand even a little of what are the content of our register since it is an important component of your computer. To ease your burden with complicated regedit functions, I recommend that you use RegScanner software for this task.

RegScanner is a utility program used to scan for a particular entry in the register through a search string as input, and then displays all the contents that match that string all at once. Clicking the displayed result will take you directly to registry editor where you can modify the content of the register. When searching for a value, you have the option on what output would you like to appear whether display all the items that contained the specified string or the exact match of that search string. A registry scan option provides a lot of choices on what data would be displayed, how many items are to be displayed, what base key to be used etc. There are a lot more features which Windows built in regedit fails to provide.

Just a bit of advice before using RegScanner, never attempt to modify registry values if you aren’t sure about that registry entry you are searching. Modifying the content of your register might affect the performance of your computer or worst, may damage your computer. Be very careful in dealing with values of registers.

RegScanner version 1.82 is available for free download (zip file) with a file size of only 51.2 KB. You don’t need to install RegScanner to your computer, all you have to do is extract the downloaded file, click the RegScanner icon then you can start your scan. RegScanner is fast when it comes to searching so this software is highly recommended by me.

Visit the Regscanner Homepage.

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