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IE7pro 2.4.9

O. James Samson - April 29, 2010

The publishers describe it as a must have add-on, but I really have a contrary view about that. Though not a bad application to have alongside your Internet Explorer 1E7 pro 2.4.9, this program still has some few works to do. I think the publishers need to do some few work on the online service and get it back to work. The last time I visited that website, it was still not working, and I think something needs to be done about that, and urgently too.

Some of the features include: tabbed browsing management; inline search; crash recovery; proxy switcher; mouse gesture; tab history browsing among others. Users can customize their favourite browsers, this means that IE7 pro 2.4.9 is not limited to Internet Explorer alone.

IE7 pro 2.4.9 also has features that enrich your browsing experience; some of which include the following: addition of inline search bar the same way it is with Firefox; blocking of all forms of advertising; save page to image features that lets you convert HTML from any URL to image; enhanced browsing capabilities that lets you double click to close mouse, hide search bar and enable and disable crash recovery. The publishers have been able to fix some minor bugs, and even if it is a freeware, they have to do a more especially on their website.

Want to check it out? Visit IE7Pro

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