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AllMyNotes Organizer

Ciaran Moore - May 18, 2010

Storing important data onto your computer is the simplest and most organized way of dealing with those precious files of yours. Diaries and journals, school, business and medical records are too important to be lost or misplaced. Moreover, saving data in single files could be a burden especially if there’s plenty of them, or typing daily journals in separate documents would take you an eternity to organize them. Also organizing such huge number of separated documents is a troublesome task. Well, in reality there’s no reason in doing such cumbersome things when you could achieve these things in just a single program.

Organizing such important data will be very easy using AllMyNotes Organizer. The program has rich features for creating and organizing notes from a wide variety of fields; business, medical, finance and personal. If you’re concerned about privacy, using this program, they can be password protected using a 1800-bit cipher! The good thing about this program is that it supports multiple users so each user can create their own journals, keep track of their medical records and can even store their favorite websites and portals. There are more tools available in in it than you could imagine. You can even store contact information and manage financial stuff like your bank account balance. Teachers can create their lesson plans, quizzes and exams. Searching for notes within the program is very powerful. You only search a text or a word and AllMyNotes Organizer will display all contents containing such phrase or text. To put it simply, it organized everything you have, either the most personal and confidential or those fun things that interests you. It is just a complete organizer package.

Interface wise it has a user friendly interface. Tasks are organized in hierarchical structure for easy access to different tasks. Cool image for icons are being used for easy identification of what does what. Though fonts used are quite small but it’s enough to be read. Performance wise installing and running the program neither slows down your computer nor interferes with the other programs being installed. The program only consumes about 11 MB disk space when installed and doesn’t hog memory resources. AllMyNotes Organizer is a good piece of software for those users who don’t have state of the art hardware specifications.

AllMyNotes Organizer comes in both free and deluxe versions, available for download from Vladonai

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