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LAVClock 2.6.2

O. James Samson - July 19, 2010

If you are bored with the standard Windows clock, here is one application that will suit your taste. LAVClock 2.6.2 is an application built to provide personal astrological forecast, which is calculated on the basis of your DOB and the present positions of the planets. The application also shows the positions of the Sun, the Moon and the Planet in graphical details.

It also shows graphical details of rise/set times of heavenly bodies, twilight, as well as positions in the zodiac, lunar days, nearest new and full moons, etc. LAVClock 2.6.2 also features a multifunctional alarm clock which allows users to schedule and reschedule anything they can possibly think of, automatic time synchronization assures users that they are always on time with both selection of time servers and adjustable mode of time synchronization. Users can synchronize time even with a proxy server, making it an application that is easy to understand.

Some of the latest changes the publishers have made to LAVClock 2.6.2 include; the holiday in tooltip and calendar, astrological events such as: Russian and American holidays; German and French holidays; Weather sayings in Russian language alone; etc.

The use of LAVClock 2.6.2 is not free, and registration which cost $14.95 can be made at the publisher’s site. For an astrological clock, it is fair enough.

Want to check it out? Visit

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