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DU Meter 5.01

O. James Samson - August 20, 2010

DU Meter 5.01 is a bandwidth monitoring program to help you stay informed about your bandwidth usage. The application is built with the extra ability to help you know both present and future trends regarding your bandwidth usage. It helps you to control your bandwidth usage; saving you a lot of trouble that usually come with downloads. When you consider how internet service providers (1SP) have been coming hard on bandwidth usage, then you would understand what I mean.

DU Meter 5.01 gives you the edge because it gives you a clear picture of how much bandwidth is being used; utilizing different displays to inform you what is actually going on with your bandwidth. For instance, the application displays real-time graph, numerical display, and in other cases even both displays. It is easy to understand because it is not built with too many technical features to get you confused.

The application has actually been around for sometime now, and each version that has been released has really been impressive. If you have never used this program before, the publishers have given a 30 days trial period to know how good the program is. That for me is enough time to understand how it works.

The program like I said earlier has been around for some time,and is popular among many users all over the world.

Want to check it out? Visit Hageltech

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