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Privatefirewall- Latest Version Released- Version

O. James Samson - August 20, 2010

Privatefirewall is a personal firewall that is built to detect all forms of intrusion or invasion. It is built with internal capacity to block or even eliminate illegal access to your personal computer. Apart from blocking or denying access to unwanted programs, Privatefirewall also has features that help you monitor the sensitive areas of your computer. Of course it also has other features like; ability to report any strange intrusion, easy to install, provision of high-performance protection right, and intuitive interfaces which allows advanced users to easily adjust default settings to create custom configurations.

The version has just been released-version Some major changes and other minor changes in this version have been added to this version. Some of these changes include; fixing of driver access check to, resolved issues code defect related to isolated BSOD incidents, fixed bug in where Privatefirewall identified (and generated unnecessary alerts), modification of various port and application related default settings among others. Above all, this freeware program features several technology layers designed to prevent damages caused by viruses and other potentially unwanted programs.

Basically it is a freeware program, but it does a lot of things for your program, and that to me is good enough for both home and commercial users. I believe users are going to enjoy it because of so many other features this version comes with, which have not exactly been mentioned here.

Want to check it out? Visit Privacyware

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