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Win7DSFilterTweaker 3.5

O. James Samson - September 13, 2010

Win7DSFilterTweaker 3.5 tool gives you the opportunity to configure your preferred DirectShow filters within a few mouse clicks. The tool is so easy that you can make some very quick changes without any difficulty; as a matter of fact, you can undo any change without encountering any difficulty.

Windows 7 has its own DirectShow filters for decoding a vast majority of both video and audio formats. Third-party filters instead of the native filters cannot be possible without making some changes to the Windows Registry. Win7DSFilterTweaker 3.5 is useful for the Microsoft players, which include the Windows Media Player and Media Center. However, some third-party players have demonstrated capacity to use third-party filters without having to use Win7DSFilterTweaker 3.5. For those who would rather use ffdshow for decoding H.264 video, then this tool can be of great help. Its 32 and 64 is placed side by side, which makes it a more interesting tool.

Win7DSFilterTweaker 3.5 is packed with so many settings, which in my view makes it too vague. The publishers can do much better by making the settings distinct from one another, and help to make it easier for users to understand each of the settings better. However, Win7DSFilterTweaker 3.5 is a quality tool. It is freeware, and is available for free at the publisher’s site.

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