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Bluejay 1.0

Tilgore Kraut - September 17, 2010

Numerous media players with varied functionalities have come up over the past few years offering enhanced audio and video experience to the user with utmost flexibility and customization tools that offers the user ample opportunities to make the most of it. Different media players have diverse settings that can be altered by the user as per convenience. However, most of the media players do not include the features of modification or editing besides music and video playing which is USP of Bluejay 1.0; an application that offers multiple tools and features to the user for performing editing functions along with media playing functionalities and also manages the files effectively.

Bluejay 1.0 upon launch opens with a unique looking and compact interface in the form of an elongated vertically placed rectangle with a myriad of options placed across the screen to manage and list music and audio. It contains numerous controlling tabs to assist the user in editing audio and managing it as desired and the black and grey hued background makes it interesting in its appeal. This complete suite contains around fourteen audio components and multiple controls and flexible media management along with providing various effects to the user to insert in the music files. The equalizer and digital effects processor help the user adjust audio levels to for optimal listening and the integrated Mixer component controls the sound system and balance levels, besides other audio elements like bass and treble making the application immensely flexible. The enhanced features of this application are too many to list and hence it is highly recommended to music lovers who wish to augment their musical experiences.

To sum up, Bluejay certainly earns rich kudos for its unique working and functionalities that offer multiple services to the user for enhancing the musical experience.

{More Info and Download}

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