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VShell Server 3.6.5

O. James Samson - November 17, 2010

VShell server for SSH2 provides secure access to Windows servers based on the Secure Shell client/server protocol. The program is highly effective when it comes to secure network access, system administration, and file transfer. VShell Server provides access through an encrypted tunnel to e-mail, databases and other TCP/IP applications. That means that users who have this program installed on their systems can enjoy secure file transfer, making use of the SSH2 client SFTP and the SCP commands.

Some of the features in this version include: easy set up and configuration; monitor and log events with automation support; use connection-based licensing to full advantage; control user access to features and files; and provide strong and multi-protocol security for data in transit. Users can also choose from a number of authentication mechanisms including public key, Kerberos, and X509 digital certificates to create a more secure two-factor authentication strategy.

VShell Server 3.6.5 is a shareware application, but can be tried for a limited period of 30 days. Users, who find some of the features highly attractive and effective, can choose to go for the full version. So, for users who need to transfer a wide range or remote access services, all they need is VShell Server 3.6.5.

Want to check it out? Visit Vandyke.

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