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PHTML Encoder for Windows 6.2

O. James Samson - December 13, 2010

PHTML Encoder for Windows is basically a program that allows you to encode the PHP scripts before distributing them. The program has a built-in converter for encryption/decryption of your scripts; and you can also use wildcards for easy conversion of projects, you can also combine both protected and unprotected scripts in a single site.

The script code logic is preserved while using cryptography to hide your logic from privacy invaders. You can also lock encoded scripts to predefined machine (web server) via machine ID in order for your scripts to work only this machine. Once installed on your computer system, you can also self-decoded scripts, which may not require any changes to your PHP installation.

PHTML Encoder for Windows will work on virtually all computers and server platforms which supports PHP because it is cross-platform product. The program includes console and GUI versions of converter for encryption/decryption of your scripts, and use wildcards to easily convert a complete project.

The latest changes made to this version include; lock encoded scripts to predefined machine, available for Windows, Linux x86, Linux x86_64, FREEBSD x86, FREEBSD x86_64, improved performance for improved performance, and a few others.

Want to check it out? Visit Rssoftlab.

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