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Microsoft Giano 3.0

O. James Samson - December 15, 2010

Microsoft Giano is a framework for the full-system simulation of arbitrary computer systems, with emphasis on the hardware-software co-development of system software Real-time embedded applications. The program includes both software models for CPU, I/O, buses and memories, and HDL simulators. Also included is a full source and a number of full-systems examples.

Giano allows the simultaneous execution of binary code on a simulated microprocessor and of Verilog code on a simulated FPGA within a single target system capable of interacting in Real-time with the outside world. The program has a graphical user-interface that uses Visio to create the interconnection graph of the user-provided simulation modules in PlatformXML, and XML-based configuration description language. The essence of creating this program is to maximize the tool’s extensibility and to leverage other existing tools to the optimum level.

This freeware tool from Microsoft is highly effective in reducing the development and maintenance time for system software and for embedded applications; with the most visible being a shorter modify-compile-test cycle, and better support for performance tuning. Among the latest addition to version 3.0 include; checkpoint/restore facility, new modules, among others.

Microsoft Giano is a bit technical; and may take some time for you to understand how to use it. The download size is also big (34.92 MB in size); which may not really take much of your download time if you have a fast internet connection.

Want to check it out? Visit Microsoft.

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