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HandyTranslator 1.0

Tilgore Kraut - December 21, 2010

As businesses become more and more diversified and globalized, the need for international operations and ventures arises as cross border business is encouraged and enhanced with the help of setting up mutually beneficial ties that facilitates cultural liaison as well. Further, communication also plays a pivotal role in forming up business ties with a nation as apposite interaction is the key of any relationship and differences in culture and languages make it difficult to easily communicate the common requirements and objectives which makes the presence of interpreters extremely vital. Even when it comes to visiting a foreign country without knowing the native language makes things difficult to understand. Dictionaries and constant looking up in the hand books and Internet does not help. HandyTranslator is a program that makes things easier and is a free of cost computer aided translator working especially for Microsoft Word documents.

HandyTranslator 1.0 opens with a vibrant looking interface with the main options placed at the top and the main screen divided into two components with identical content placed in each of the spaces in different language; named as source and target with the latter being the foreign language for which translation is required. The user can select different MS Word documents that can be successfully translated by the user with the help of this utility. This user friendly and simple to follow tool also includes bi-directional translation memories and graphical interface that floats over the text which is being translated; thereby allowing the translator to enter his/her translation to the document as well as translation memory that would work for future assignments as well whenever similar or identical phrases are used.

To conclude, HandyTranslator 1.0 works easily for all kinds of usages that includes business as well as personal usage for learning a foreign language.

{More Info and Download}

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