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MetroTwit 0.5.0 Beta

O. James Samson - February 22, 2011

MetroTwit is a Twitter client for Windows; and its user-interface is simple even for a novice to quickly understand. With MetroTwit, you have a lot of wonderful features to play around with. With some of these features, there is no telling how much fun you can have with this application. MetroTwit runs on the very latest Microsoft .NET 4.0 and Windows Presentation Foundation 4 frameworks.

Some of its highly-advanced and friendly features include the following: infinite scrolling that lets you read more tweets once you scroll down; autocomplete for usernames and hashtags, which means you can search for people you love to hang out with by simply typing a few letters; themes and accents, which allows you choose between background and vice versa including a selection of color accent to personalize the design; URL shortening and previews, this helps you to take control of links with an intuitive URL shortener that automatically saves you space and time tweeting; quick and glance applications that enables you to read excerpts from new tweet updates as they cycle through in the notifications; re-sizable and re-ordable columns; and a few other features.

This is a beta version, and it is possible to run into a few bugs that may cause a few problems; however, it is not a bad program all the same.

Want to check it out? Visit Metrotwit.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011 at 10:03 am and is filed under Main. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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One Response to “MetroTwit 0.5.0 Beta”

  1. shorty Says:

    I appreciate your wp design, wherever do you download it through?

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