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SiSoftware Sandra 2011.17.64

O. James Samson - June 14, 2011

SiSoftware Sandra is an information & diagnostic application that provides most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software, and other devices whether hardware or software. SiSoftware Sandra provides similar level of information to Norton SI, Quarterdeck WinProbe/Manifest, etc. Win32 version is 32-bit and comes in both ANSI and native Unicode formats. The Win64 version is 64-bit and comes in native Unicode format.

SiSoftware Sandra is a shareware with a couple of useful features that provide you a lot of information. However, there are a couple of free programs on the internet with equally good features, and can perform virtually similar tasks as this one. Nevertheless, SiSoftware Sandra is not a bad program. It runs on operating systems such as; Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.

The publishers have been out with a couple of SiSoftware Sandra versions in the past, and hopefully things will improve. Definitely not a bad program to install on your system; and it doesn’t matter if it’s a shareware or freeware program. You may download SiSoftware Sandra 2011.17.64 for $34.99 per download. It is always advisable to have knowledge of what is going on within your system.

Want to check it out? Visit Sisoftware.

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