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Wuala “Hirslanden” 1.0.379.0

O. James Samson - November 25, 2011

Wuala is secure online storage, a haven in the cloud to store your files. The program is designed in a way that enables you to safely access and share your files with friends, family, and co-workers. Wuala encrypts the data on your computer before it is uploaded. A couple of other things you can do with Wuala include the following; protect your files with automatic backup and file versioning, keep your files in sync with just one click, access your files from any computer with an Internet connection, wherever you are, instead of emailing files, share documents, photos, and media directly from your Wuala account, create a Wuala Group of your own design and build a social network.

Wuala is easy to use, especially as files get encrypted and are stored redundantly. No one unauthorized – not even the provider – can have access to the files. You can sync your files online and across multiple computers, keep them (files) up to date – anywhere, anytime, share files with selected friends and co-workers. You choose who has access to which folder, securely store and back up your files online and access them from anywhere, etc.

Want to check it out? Visit Wuala.

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