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Zend Studio for Windows 9.0.1

O. James Samson - December 20, 2011

Zend Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) application designed for professional developers that encompasses all the development components necessary for the full PHP application lifecycle. Through a comprehensive set of editing, debugging, analysis, optimization, database tools and testing it speeds development cycles and simplifies complex projects.

Zend Studio is the only Integrated Development Environment (IDE) available for professional developers providing the capabilities needed to develop business applications. Features like refactoring, code generation, code assist and semantic analysis combine to enable rapid application development on both the server side (in PHP) and the browser side (in JavaScript).

The program also provides comprehensive debugging and testing support that helps you analyze and resolve problems quickly. Through support for both local and remote (on server) debugging, integrated PHP and JavaScript debugging, profiling, code inspection & quick fix, test generation and reporting, you have one of the best tools needed to diagnose and resolve application problems quickly while ensuring your code starts out correctly. Tight integration with Zend Server speeds root cause analysis of problems detected in testing, staging or the production environment. The program also enhances productivity with team-oriented development features, such as support for source configuration management (Git, GitHub, CVS, SVN) and shared project settings.

Want to check it out? Visit

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