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ExifCleaner 1.8

O. James Samson - April 12, 2012

Do you know that every picture taken with a digital camera contains information about the image, location and photographer? And this kind of exposes your privacy. You sure may not want that. ExifCleaner is a freeware utility that allows you to completely remove Exif tags, geotags, IPTC, Adobe XMP abd other photographic metadata from JPEG pictures. ExifCleaner is able to do this without altering the picture and without any loss of data. Thus you can very effectively hide any unwanted or sensitive information and adequately protect your privacy without fear of data loss. Removing these metadata helps to save disk space and server bandwidth, cut down on download times and erase Exif data from photomontage works.

Some of the key features of this program include: complete removal of JFIF and JFIF extensions, ability to work well in a batch mode, easily integrated into windows explorer. Also it does not alter the image data. Unlike other image editors, ExifCleaner does not leave any unnecessary records.

It has the following system requirements: Works on all NT-based operating systems, from Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP, up to Windows Vista and 7, including x64 editions.

Want to know more? Please visit Superutils.

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