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JPhotoTagger 0.25.0

O. James Samson - June 21, 2012

JPhotoTagger is a independent Photo Manager tool. With this program, you can manage and easily find your photos using keywords, descriptions and others (metadata/”tags”). It accelerates the process of adding or editing tags through automatic keyboard input completion and other features.

All tags will be written and stored in the XMP sidecar files and JPhotoTagger’s database. This program does not alter the images. It instantly reads tags from both new and edited sidecar files and updates its own database.  It supports Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.  You can tag your photos with both Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Jphototagger even on different operating systems.  This program runs on every system that supports java.

Some of the key features of this program includes: view selection, saves searches, user defined favorite file system folders and photo albums. You could also carry out fast searches with auto complete, custom SQL for complex searches, sort images using filenames, file extensions and metadata and embed IPTC metadata.  Its edit support functions include auto complete, drag and drop keywords, copy and paste metadata from the selected images. You could also use templates with pre-defined values, apply metadata on selected images.

Other features include scheduled tasks for database updates, database information and maintainance, import images from folders or from exported Lightroom keywords. Export and import JPhotoTagger’s data, which is not written into the XMP sidecar files, e.g. for sharing keyword trees and keyword synonyms between different installations.

To find out more about this program, please visit Jphototagger.

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