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UltraMon (64-bit) 3.2.

O. James Samson - July 24, 2012

UltraMon is a robust utility for multi-monitor systems, created to significantly increase productivity and unlock the full potential of multiple monitors. Its additional window buttons, allows you to quickly move from one window to another or stretch a window across the desktop. With its Smart Taskbar, you can manage several applications simultaneously, with a taskbar on each monitor and each taskbar only showing the tasks from the monitor it is on.

Using the Shortcut Extensions, you can easily position various applications on the desired monitor. The UltraMon screen saver and wallpaper manager allows you to use different wallpaper and screen saver on each monitor. It also has a flexible mirroring feature, with support for mirroring one or more monitors, and use different resolutions for each monitor.

Some of the basic functionalities of this utility includes: the Smart Taskbar allows you to manage multiple applications efficiently by adding extra taskbars for each secondary monitor. You can choose from two modes- the standard and the mirror mode.  You can also use it to create shortcuts that enable you to open programs on a particular monitor or at specific position. You could also change the display settings before launching the application or restoring them when you close the application. You can also use it to open the properties of an existing windows shortcut, adjust windows position and display settings on the extra tabs that was added by UltaMon.

To know more about this program, please visit


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