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Ciaran Moore - September 16, 2012

So much of our lives involves doing things online, such as communicating with friends and business colleagues, booking hotels or flights, purchasing goods, online banking and other important things. These activities always involve some degree of security risk, as the very real possibility of passwords, credit card details, and other personal information falling into the wrong hands is always there. Many malware or cyber theft incidents employ the use of keyloggers, malicious programs that intercept your keystrokes and send that information to the bad guys.You certainly don’t want your login credentials, credit card information or other sensitive information falling into the hands of these people.

Many of the antivirus programs are unable to detect the latest keyloggers until they have already been around doing their evil deeds for quite a while.

One way to guard against this is to use GuardedID. It encrypts everything you type, in a way, it’s assuming that your computer is already infected, and proactively protects users against any typing they do on virtually any program being of any use to anyone. It works on websites, chat programs, instant messengers, financial programs, virtually any program you can type into will now be a whole lot safer. It also lets you know if the GuardedID keyboard driver is ever changed (such as by malicious keyloggers and spyware). If something is changed, the software displays an “Unknown Driver Warning” to alert you about the problem.

GuardedID highlights text fields of web pages in green, so you know that anything that you type in here is encrypted and safe. It also has an “anti-clickjack” feature, which detects if a website has any hidden frame elements that could fool users into clicking on malicious links. If the software finds frame elements, it draws a red box around them.

The browser add-on components of the program ensure that Firefox and IE are safe, while other browsers such as Opera are also protected as is any other application that can be typed into.

Basically, this software offers peace of mind to anyone who uses their computer for financial matters such as online banking, as well as anyone who just wants to make sure they are the only ones seeing their chats and emails.

Check out full details of the program here at Guardedid.

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