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Zoom Player PRO 8.5

O. James Samson - October 30, 2012

A media player that is truly easy to use, and with features that can be easily be handled by a first timer; and is that not what most people want? Zoom Player seems to have all the features every one likes, and that is one of the reasons you want to give it a try.

What about Zoom Player PRO?

Zoom Player is a robust media and DVD front-end player that was designed to be simple at first glance while being remarkably dynamic and flexible when used to its full potential. It works in two modes; a Media mode, which can play any file supported by DirectShow (any file which plays in MediaPlayer) and a DVD mode which uses pre-installed DirectShow DVD filters to play DVD content. Zoom Player supersedes media player in all its functions and provides several important functions that media player lacks. The media player provides special zooming functions to improve TV-output quality by eliminating overscan.

Zoom Player PRO was recently released with a few additional features such as; improved over-all stability and robustness, improved performance of several sub-systems by rewriting the systems from scratch using improved methodology, and a few others.


This program installs too many additional programs that users may not like. Also, there are a couple of freeware programs out there that can match its features.

Want to check it out? Visit Inmatrix.

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