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ASProxyWing 0.9.0 Alpha – surf the net anonymously

O. James Samson - November 15, 2012

A lot of internet users have had to complain a lot of times about invasion of privacy in stealing of personal information while surfing the web. This led to release of all kinds of ant theft programs as well as internet history erasers to help improve the situation. However, the best way to reduce or eliminate vulnerability issues these days is through proxy programs that enable you to surf privately. ASProxyWing is one of several programs to help make the internet safe.

ASProxyWing is a free application which allows the user to surf the net anonymously. When using ASProxyWing, not only is your identity hidden but you will be able to escape filters and firewalls from an internet connection. The purpose of ASProxyWing is spreading freedom on the net, but this proxy can be used for any purposes.

Proxy servers are built specifically to help you surf anonymously thereby protecting you against spyware and popups. Though, ASProxyWing is a freeware program, it has some unique features that allow you surf the internet with ease. Your identity is hidden each time you visit a suspicious site or a site where you have been banned before.


It is an open source program, so it may not have all the features needed to guarantee complete privacy while surfing the internet.

Want to check it out? Visit Asproxywing.

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