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Coollector 3.23.5

O. James Samson - December 6, 2012

Coollector is an easy to use and powerful program. This program is both a huge encyclopedia as well as a database.

What is the big deal about this program?

Unlike other program that are mere video collection managers where you start out with an empty database and start to download information one after the other, with Coollector Movie Database, you have a huge encyclopedia of 97,000 movies and series, updated weekly. What is more, you can use it even if you are offline since it is installed on your system. It has a very easy to use interface that is richly illustrated with film posters, video covers, photographs of actors and crew, and even character screenshots.

You could customize the layout to suit your choice, and make almost any search you can think of, without having to be a database engineer. With this application, you will be able to track not only the videos you own, but also all the movies you’ve seen. You can even organize your video collection, cataloging the ones you own, where it’s stored, and what you’ve loaned to whom. It comes with its uninstaller.

Collector, the publisher of this program, has added two new features to this program: added 400 movies and series and corrected some text imperfections.


Great app. The database contains a lot of crap movies though.

To find out more about this program, please visit

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