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Highlight 3.14

O. James Samson - June 17, 2013

Are you a programmer thinking of how to convert your programming codes into HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX, TEX, SVG and BBCode files? Now with HighLight you can.

What is HighLight?

Highlight is a universal source ode converter that that converts programming code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX, TEX, SVG and BBCode files with syntax highlighting. The user interface of this program consists of the normal window with a well-defined layout. You could use either the file browser or “drag and drop” function to load files into the workspace. It supports customizable color theme and language descriptions with regular expressions.

This program is capable of multitasking so you can add as many files as you want. Highlight boasts of several configurations options- color theme configuration, reformatting mode, keyword case, line wrapping, font name, size and others, as well as add line numbers, omit the header and footer, select the encoding method and add plugins. The file can also be directly copied to the Clipboard.

Some of the features of this program are: colored output in HTML,XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, SVG and BBCode format, Syntax elements are defined as regular expressions or plain string list, Customizable keyword groups, Reformatting and indentation of C, C++, C# and Java source code, Plug-In interface to tweak syntax parsing and coloring, CLI, GUI and Lib builds available and Platform independent.
Andre Simon, the author of this program, has added a few changes to this version. The changes are: added HeaderInjection and FooterInjection variables for syntax plug-ins, replaced single data directory by a dynamic config file search, added plug-ins outhtml_parantheses_matcher.lua, outhtml_keyword_matcher.lua, and a few others.

To find out more about this freeware, please visit

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